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Rebecca D'Souza

Rebecca D’Souza is a young Mauritian art historian who really likes writing. With a Bachelor in Visual Arts in Art History and Aesthetics (May 2021) from Gujarat, India, Rebecca enjoys how the field brings together theory and hard facts, aesthetics, and the creativity of the art world from the past to the present. After slowly cultivating an appreciation for words over the past few years, Rebecca loves to write just about anything you throw her way. However, she particularly insists on storytelling and short poems. As a young person in a fast-evolving world, the aspiring writer and artist feels compelled to understand how emotion and the human mind walk hand in hand. In line with that, how art can represent certain human dilemmas all us humans on planet Earth will probably face at least once while walking around in our houses or in other habitual spaces. That is representation through the mediums of painting and storytelling, for example. Having been exposed to and learnt different printmaking techniques at university as her electives, Rebecca has a growing interest in how such methods can be incorporated into her work. So far, she has co-led two printmaking workshops with secondary school students. After being a Marketing and Media Assistant, Rebecca currently works as a primary school teacher. She would like to study corporate communication in the future, and hold on to her artistic practices. In her spare time she makes digital collages, and updates her personal blog. Rebecca lives with her family in Mauritius.

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