Boopen Doobah,is one of the rare multi-talented Mauritian having studied and excelled in both Art and Strategic Management and Policy Studies, from Mauritius,UK and Swedish Institutions. In the eighties he started his tertiary training in Fine Arts at local level and moved to France and Reunion to work under the guidance of Arts Masters and Mentors. On his return, he worked as Fine and Visual Arts instructor at the Mahatma Gandhi Institute. Boopen has been very active as Founder Member of Studio D'Art, Art Action, Le Collectif, CODEPA, among others where local artists were involved in Art residencies, workshops and exhibitions in Mauritius, Indian Ocean and at International Levels. His major achievements have been his selection in 1993, for the Salon D'Automne, at Grand Palais in Paris, his participation in the Kunst Academy Exhibition in Mauritius, The Johannesburg Biennale of Arts, Le Collectif at Mairie de Long Jumeau, France, Arts Afrique- Ocean Indien and the Salon de Mai.